nest reminisce things to do

Photo a day – 5

Fall is my favorite time of year.

It is also the time of year, however, when California weather is most confusing. It’s wonderfully brisk in the morning and evening, scarf and sweater weather! But, pretty warm-hot in the afternoon. Such a predicament when choosing clothing for the day. So, the solution? Jeans, flip flops, tank top, sweater and scarf. I’m sure I look ridiculous but I don’t want to bring a change of clothing to work with me everyday.Any thoughts?

nest play things to do

Photo a day – 1

So, here goes:


This is a more recent photo of some flowers I cut from my very own dahlia plant. I love dahlias and jared bought me this plant about 4 months ago. Now, the months are very important because I have a black thumb. I get it from my mom…she’s killed ever plant/flower she’s ever gotten unless my dad planted it. He has a green thumb on the other hand and is practically Martha Stuart with his garden in the backyard (of course my mom gets all the compliments for it since she’s a female so she MUST have a garden)
Anyway, I’m very proud to say that I’ve kept this plant alive for about 4 months. Jared has probably given me about 5 or 6 potted flowers since we’ve been together and they have all sadly perished except for this one. Not only has it survived this long, but it grew flowers consistently for a couple months and I was able to cut them and put fresh flowers in my house! So, I don’t know if the survival of this plant is because I’m finally learning how to take care of plants or because this dahlia will survive through whatever I do (or not do) to it. Either way, it gives me hope and though it may seem like a small acheivement, it’s a big one to me 🙂 Someday, when I have my own house (not rented I mean) I would love to have a garden including flowers and vegetables and herbs. I’ve been trying to be intentional about what I eat lately and having fresh veges right there in my backyard would help I think. Well, we’ll see!
nest reminisce things to do


I didn’t want to start a blog at first because I figured no one would care or read it or I would forget about it or, or, or.But, as I’ve started developing this blog, I’ve come to realize a few things:

— I like doing it! I have always liked writing (whether I’m good at it or not). In fact I used to have a blog before blogs existed! When I was away for a year, my friend helped me start a website. On the first page, I had “news and updates” which was basically a blog and I loved that! (Of course that website is now deceased and I’m hoping now that I’m on a mainstream blogger I won’t run into those same problems)

–I don’t care if I have 50 comments or if not a single soul reads it. I think it’s more for me to flesh things out and have a public photo album.

–I want to be in good habits of keeping track of what happens in my life so that when I have kids I will keep track of theirs.

–probably other reasons too but I just can’t think of them.

NOW, goals for my blog:

–I want to post a photo a day (a photographer I know does this and it’s been really interesting learning about her life in little bits at a time) some old and some new…i’m a storyteller and so i’ll tell stories through pictures…

well, that’s it for now. like i say in the “about me” section, this blog is random and i’d like to keep it that way. whatever goes.

SO, monday’s a good day to start right? i’ll post a photo when i get off work (since i should probably get back to work right now 🙂