reminisce things to do


A while back, a friend of ours in our bible study had us pray for some friends of theirs who had lost their baby about a week before he was due. She had already had 3 miscarriages and then lost this fully grown baby right before he was going to be born. Well, I stumbled across their blog the other day and read just about every post and just sat there teary eyed and amazed at how God is keeping them strong throughout this whole process. Here I am posting a post from their blog from right after it happened. I ask myself, could I write something like this after such a tragedy? Do I really see my life as belonging to God and not myself? Could I be this strong? Praise God for this family and their encouragement to others who are going through far less!! Here’s their blog site if you’re interested in more (you’ll have to go back a bit to read about their loss because most of the recent posts are about the adoption process they are now currently going through):

March 17th,                           

 To our dear friends and family.  There simply are no words to express the deep sorrow in our hearts.  Today our little boy, Titus, lost his heartbeat somewhere between this morning and this afternoon and went to be with Jesus.  This comes as such a shock to us all.  We have shared tears and prayers and joy from the very second he was discovered in Renee’s tummy.  We cannot express enough how grateful we are to have had the chance to be Titus’ mom and dad for these past 9 months, and truly count that as a blessing, and a deep honor.  We stand on the hope of the cross of Jesus, without His love, grace, and faithfulness, and His sovereignty, we have nothing.  These past weeks as we as a body have been in Philippians, I have thought so much about Paul’s words about sharing in the sufferings of Jesus.  We humbly, and obediently walk forward in this.  Our desire is to allow ourselves to feel the full weight of this tragedy, emotionally, physically and spiritually, and yet choose hope, choose rest, and choose to continue to glorify God with our lives and with our family.  Titus belongs to God.  We belong to God.  It is our deep prayer that this circumstance would leave such an echo of the realness and presence of Jesus in this world.  May He receive all glory, every minute of the way.  I pray for everyone we will come into contact with in this process, that the Holy Spirit would make Himself evident and that their lives will be saved for eternity in Christ, that is our only end in this life.

We want you to grieve with us and share our burdens, but be affirmed, Titus needs no grief for himself, he is in a better place, we hold tightly to that. The more despair you have on our behalf, even if well intended, will only make it harder for us.  We have the people we need to walk us through this. We appreciate your words and thoughts, but what we need is your prayers and your silence.  Thank you for honoring that, it is a difficult thing for me to write. 

Allow us room and space, and trust us to communicate our needs and wants as they come. As you can imagine, we are spinning.  Renee goes in tonight for a C-section, we don’t have any details as to what went wrong, and we may not.  We will communicate those to the church leadership as soon as we know.

I do not know what else to say.  We love you.  We know we are loved by you.  Thank you for being our family.  May His kingdom come and His will be done.

Feel free to pass this email along if you feel led to.  The more people that know, the better, and the less we have to explain the situation.

C.J. and Renee’

“We’ll forever have stories to tell”

celebrate reminisce things to do

Photo Friday #23 & #24

First of all, it still feels like the beginning of 2009 but as I type week 23/24 of Photo Friday I realize we’re halfway through!! How did that happen?
So in April I was in two weddings, my cousin’s (a couple posts back) and then my good friend/long time friend Tiffany. I’ve known Tiffany since elementary school, we were in girl scouts together and on the swim and flag teams together in high school. It’s so fun to know someone for so long!
Apparently I’m blogging backward?
And for the 2nd ‘pic’ for Photo Friday I totally forgot to mention on of my mom’s gifts for her bday. jared took some pics of my brothers and I for her and framed them. It was kinda difficult to get all 3 of us motivated at the same time to do this but we got some good ones I think 🙂
here’s my favorite…when we were just randomly laughing at something…sometimes the most random pictures are the best 🙂
reminisce things to do


Lately –

we’ve been tempted to work on our house
we’ve been too busy with editing to be able to work on our house
we’ve noticed we have a bird that likes to slam into one of the office windows (he really wants to come in i think)
we’ve had a flood in the bathroom
we’ve found a huge beetle (about 2 1/2 inches long!)
we’ve seen lots of bunnies running around our backyard
we’ve bought plane tickets
we’ve been to a funeral
we’ve been to a wedding
we’ve held a newborn
we’ve watched some good movies
we’ve watched some crappy movies
we’ve been to the fair
we’ve felt blessed

needless to say…lately we’ve been busy! i think the saying is true “when it rains it pours” because everything has seemed to hit all at once… but we should be catching up over the summer and by fall our lives will be much calmer (i hope!)

reminisce things to do

Photo Friday #19

Today’s photo Friday is a bittersweet one. My opa passed away on Thursday. His health has been fading and I’m so grateful that he is out of pain and that I got a chance to say goodbye. He was a wonderful grandfather and we will all miss him. He and I always had an understanding. He never questioned my living abroad for so long and always wanted to hear about my next great adventure. Since I’m the only granddaughter on that side of the family, he had a bit of a sweet spot for me 🙂 Of course he loved all his grandsons as well. He easily accepted the gentleman as a new grandson in the family when we got married. I’m so happy I was able to know my opa for as long as I did. He had a full life of adventures, travel, farming and family. He loved John Deere tractors and loved having four daughters. He was a tall, strong man but there was always tenderness in his eyes.
Goodbye opa, rest in peace

celebrate reminisce things to do

Photo Friday #8 and #9

So I’ve totally neglected the blog for a couple weeks…not for lack of things to blog, but because we have been busy like usual.Anyway, here goes #8:

jared got hired last spring to edit together original source material on the 12th Amendment. So just last week we got a few copies of it in the mail! It’s so cool to see his name in the book but what’s even cooler is seeing his name on Amazon! Click hereSo, if you’re ever interested in reading all about the 12th Amendment, check it out, haha 🙂 Extra points to who actually knows what the 12th Amendment is without googling it first!And #9:

We went and found this cool spot (where we will probably be doing a “trash the dress” shoot soon) and I got this pic. It reminds me of LOST. And for those of you who watch that show…WOW is all I have to say. These people are genius! They’ve managed to ‘lose’ me a bit with the recent new elements of the story…For those of you who don’t watch it, I encourage you to start renting the DVDs from the beginning…don’t see any episodes out of order! It is worth it!Anway, keep us in your prayers in the next couple of days as we’re trying to get a house that has multiple offers on it…pray that they choose our bid..thanks 🙂

reminisce things to do

Horton Hears a Who…

So we finally got around to seeing the movie Horton Hears a Who. We weren’t really expecting too much since it didn’t seem to be the most popular movie. (but then again, I don’t read reviews or like to know anything about a movie before I see it)

Anyway, we thought it was fabulous! It was funny and clever but also had a pretty pro-life message. That really really surprised me. I have never read the book and so I wonder how much of it was just in the book but still, they made the movie! I won’t give away anything that actually happens in the movie but one of the quotes in it was, “Yes indeed, a life IS a life no matter how small.” Honestly, I was shocked to hear that. I know that the book and the movie were not talking about an unborn baby but that was the first thing that popped into my mind. Jared said the words that were on my mind, “Did that movie seem really pro-life to you?”

I know I tend to have an extreme viewpoint when it comes to abortion but I can’t help but think with people so concerned about human and even animal rights, at what point does someone obtain those rights? I know that the pro-choicers are very concerned with the woman’s right to choose, but I guess I would consider myself more of a human rights person then because a woman shouldn’t have the right to choose that someone shouldn’t have the right to live at all. I kind of classify that sort of thing under God’s job description. How can you care about peoples’ rights when you don’t allow the chance for someone to be born in the first place? Anyway, I have lots and lots of thoughts and ideas on the issue, but that’s just one that popped into my head and one that I was thinking about after the movie.

What do you think? Is a life truly a LIFE no matter how small? Or is it only a life after a certain point in pregnancy, or is it only a life after it’s born?