celebrate reminisce things to do

Photo Friday #23 & #24

First of all, it still feels like the beginning of 2009 but as I type week 23/24 of Photo Friday I realize we’re halfway through!! How did that happen?
So in April I was in two weddings, my cousin’s (a couple posts back) and then my good friend/long time friend Tiffany. I’ve known Tiffany since elementary school, we were in girl scouts together and on the swim and flag teams together in high school. It’s so fun to know someone for so long!
Apparently I’m blogging backward?
And for the 2nd ‘pic’ for Photo Friday I totally forgot to mention on of my mom’s gifts for her bday. jared took some pics of my brothers and I for her and framed them. It was kinda difficult to get all 3 of us motivated at the same time to do this but we got some good ones I think 🙂
here’s my favorite…when we were just randomly laughing at something…sometimes the most random pictures are the best 🙂

One reply on “Photo Friday #23 & #24”

You need a contest to provide a caption for the picture of the three of you. Here's one possibility–"And then Bambi's mother gets shot."