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Photo Friday #8 and #9

So I’ve totally neglected the blog for a couple weeks…not for lack of things to blog, but because we have been busy like usual.Anyway, here goes #8:

jared got hired last spring to edit together original source material on the 12th Amendment. So just last week we got a few copies of it in the mail! It’s so cool to see his name in the book but what’s even cooler is seeing his name on Amazon! Click hereSo, if you’re ever interested in reading all about the 12th Amendment, check it out, haha 🙂 Extra points to who actually knows what the 12th Amendment is without googling it first!And #9:

We went and found this cool spot (where we will probably be doing a “trash the dress” shoot soon) and I got this pic. It reminds me of LOST. And for those of you who watch that show…WOW is all I have to say. These people are genius! They’ve managed to ‘lose’ me a bit with the recent new elements of the story…For those of you who don’t watch it, I encourage you to start renting the DVDs from the beginning…don’t see any episodes out of order! It is worth it!Anway, keep us in your prayers in the next couple of days as we’re trying to get a house that has multiple offers on it…pray that they choose our bid..thanks 🙂

2 replies on “Photo Friday #8 and #9”

That is pretty cool to see your name on Amazon. There was only one book left when I looked at it. I had better hurry up and order my copy…I can hardly wait to read it as I am a great fan of constitutional law! ha ha 🙂