reminisce things to do


So the only down side to absentee voting is that you don’t get the coveted “I voted” sticker. I always feel a little left out when everyone else has a sticker and I don’t because I voted a week ago! So this year I made a little badge for myself and wore it proudly at work all day.

Now, because of the unsubtleness (yes not a real word but whatev.) of my badge I had a bunch of kids asking me who I voted for today. I obviously can’t discuss things like that with the kids so instead I asked them who they would have voted for if they were 18 (I love the double standard hee hee). Of course all this really did was show me who their parents voted for…I had two highlight answers to share from today:

#1 from a 5th grade girl
I would vote for Obama
me: Why is that?
girl: because he’s totally cool and awesome.
me: Oh, is that all you need to become president?
girl:Well, I’m not sure, but the president has to be totally awesome.#2 from a 2nd grade boy
boy: McCain totally, we HAVE to vote for McCain!
me: Why is that?
boy: Well, you can’t vote for Obama because then he will have prop. 8 and then we have to marry other boys!! [the rest of the boys were then uneasy in their seats and agreed they would vote for McCain too]
me: Well, that’s not entirely true…
boy: Ok everyone, so tell your parents that and vote McCain

I absolutely love hearing how kids completely misunderstand their parents’ opinions and politics in general. It gave me a good laugh though 🙂



reminisce things to do

Today’s the Day

So after all the campaigning, bickering, fighting, and arguing, the day has arrived where we actually make a decision. Say what you want about all the drama, but the idea of voting is so cool! We all have our chance to vote for who and what we want. If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain because after it’s all said and done, it’s at least fair. We’ve all had our chance to study the issues and learn about what is best for our country and we get to decide together, as one country. So even in the frustration and the certain people you can’t discuss politics with, at least we all have our chance to voice what we think. Of course I care about who and what I want for the country but I’m only one person and at least I did my part and voted…Happy voting!

reminisce things to do


So, as it turns out, I struggle with discipline. I never used to think I did but that’s probably because when I was young I never quit anything I started and in my naiveness I thought that’s what discipline meant. All it really meant was that I had put my mind to never quit anything I started. So in a sense, I was disciplined never to quit anything, but in the actual activities I participated in, I was never too disciplined at all. I took piano lessons but if I practiced as much as I complained about practice, I’d be much more proficient. I’d go to swim practice but I could have been a better swimmer if I had practiced to the fullest. I went to college but I could have learned more if I had actually read all the books that were assigned. Now I’m starting to realize that I’m great at doing lots of things just not doing any of them to the fullest. The times where I see my lack of discipline the most in my life are with reading the Bible, praying and eating healthy/working out. I have the hardest time getting into healthy routines and because it’s not something I HAVE to do (as opposed to work etc…), it usually gets left out. See what happened to my photo a DAY!


So, I’ve decided, baby steps. I’m going to start becoming disciplined one step at a time. If I can’t be in good practice now, how will I ever teach that to children someday?!?! Not only that, but where will other big things in my life suffer?

Step 1: Eating Healthy/Exercise
The gentleman is going to do this one with me. We are going to really be intentional about what we put in our bodies and how we treat them. It will make us feel better about ourselves and give us more energy to be disciplined about other things in life! How will we do this? Well, I’m going to make a menu on Sunday nights so that I’ve written down what we’ll be eating all week = more accountability, less snacking (we’ve already cut chips out of our diets), and more working out (3 times a week at least).

Here’s my photo for the week (we’ve been very busy) and it’s of a yummy smoothie he made for us for dinner the other night.

So, we’ll see how this goes. I’ll keep you posted.

the z team

eat reminisce things to do

pondering life’s big questions

Do you really get a free Tootsie Roll POP when you get the Indian shooting the star?

I’ve always wondered that.

nest reminisce things to do

Photo a day – 5

Fall is my favorite time of year.

It is also the time of year, however, when California weather is most confusing. It’s wonderfully brisk in the morning and evening, scarf and sweater weather! But, pretty warm-hot in the afternoon. Such a predicament when choosing clothing for the day. So, the solution? Jeans, flip flops, tank top, sweater and scarf. I’m sure I look ridiculous but I don’t want to bring a change of clothing to work with me everyday.Any thoughts?

places to go reminisce stateside things to do

Photo a day – 3

Name spelling: not many peoples’ fortes apparently. I’ve never thought I had that difficult or uncommon a name but honestly about 60% of the time, my name is misspelled: “danyell, dannel, danelle” etc… but probably the most common mistake is spelling it “daniel”. Now, if it were a Hispanic employee, I would have no problem with it because that’s how you pronounce “Danielle” in Spanish, but it’s usually the white people who do it. Here’s how it usually goes down, I order, they ask my name, I say “Danielle”, they write “Daniel”. I wait for my order and the person delivering it yells, “Daniel?” and I go and get it and they say, “oh, Danielle, sorry”. Pretty much happens all the time. Seriously?

Anyway, this photo is from our last day in Hawaii on our honeymoon. This is by far the worst way I’ve ever seen my name butchered. I mean, come on, is anyone even named Nantell? This isn’t logical people!!

I’m guessing I’m not the only one with this problem…how has your name been misspelled before?