nest reminisce things to do


I didn’t want to start a blog at first because I figured no one would care or read it or I would forget about it or, or, or.But, as I’ve started developing this blog, I’ve come to realize a few things:

— I like doing it! I have always liked writing (whether I’m good at it or not). In fact I used to have a blog before blogs existed! When I was away for a year, my friend helped me start a website. On the first page, I had “news and updates” which was basically a blog and I loved that! (Of course that website is now deceased and I’m hoping now that I’m on a mainstream blogger I won’t run into those same problems)

–I don’t care if I have 50 comments or if not a single soul reads it. I think it’s more for me to flesh things out and have a public photo album.

–I want to be in good habits of keeping track of what happens in my life so that when I have kids I will keep track of theirs.

–probably other reasons too but I just can’t think of them.

NOW, goals for my blog:

–I want to post a photo a day (a photographer I know does this and it’s been really interesting learning about her life in little bits at a time) some old and some new…i’m a storyteller and so i’ll tell stories through pictures…

well, that’s it for now. like i say in the “about me” section, this blog is random and i’d like to keep it that way. whatever goes.

SO, monday’s a good day to start right? i’ll post a photo when i get off work (since i should probably get back to work right now 🙂

reminisce things to do

Area code 442 vs. 760


So last night, we I went to a hearing in Carlsbad about the new area code switch. I don’t know if you’ve heard about it, not many of us did, but they are running out of 760 area codes and decided to change a bunch of us in North County to 442. There are many problems with this switch especially for small business owners like ourselves.


Apparently a bunch of people found out about it (we should have heard about it from the start but I think they were trying to make this a quick and smooth change and we’d just find out about it when it happened) and complained. The utilities commission agreed it probably wasn’t fair especially since we just changed our area code from 619 in 1997. So they had a hearing last night where you could talk to the board and give your reasons for wanting an overlay instead. An overlay would allow for all current 760 users to keep their code and any new phone numbers would incorporate the 442 number.


I think the overlay is the best way to handle the situation. Times have changed, the idea of an “area” code no longer represents an area. I have friends with all sorts of area codes living all over San Diego. We’re all used to having to dial 10 digits and mostly just have numbers saved in our cell phones anyway. This change would affect a lot of people, small and large business, and it is mostly just a hassle for most people and completely unnecessary! So if you hear of any more hearings, please support the overlay and attend!


Click here for more information and for what you can do about it. They’ll be making a decision soon. Don’t let the utilities commission boss us around, why should we have to change our number again??

It affects all of us and it can be easily avoided!!
celebrate play reminisce things to do

life moves

I feel like life has been flying by. I am a busy person, always have been, I like to keep busy and have lots of hobbies, jobs, activities all going on at once. It’s nice a lot of the time, but sometimes I just get run down, or overwhelmed. Another side effect is that life seems to whiz by and I have to slow down to enjoy it and that’s hard for me. We’ve already been married 8 months, started a business and are planning on going to Portugal in August (more to come about that)…but I feel like I was just wedding planning yesterday!


I’m very inspired by many blog writers that I know. They are so good at keeping up their blogs and keeping them interesting. I am definitely in a mood to do that! I doubt anyone actually reads our blog, especially since I never really told anyone about it…so mostly it’s just for me to be able to reflect on the craziness that is my life. And have something a little more personal since our business one is so…well…business-y. So, here’s a few snapshots of the last month and I’m going to try to blog more often so I can actually devote one blog per activity instead of lumping them all into one like I’m about to do 🙂
So, 2007 was the year of weddings. I think we went to like 10 or 11 (including our own!) So many of our friends have gotten married lately and that used to seem crazy to me but now it seems normal because what is crazy is friends having babies!! I think this year will be the year of babies! Tiffany had her Caleb in March and a few of my friends are currently pregnant. That really makes me feel time fly. Little Caleb is so cute and such a blessing!

When I lived in Santa Barbara for school, I used to be a mentor for Jr. Highers. Well, one of my former students is Katie who just got married on June 28th! That was really crazy and made me feel a little old 🙂 It was really cool to see all my old Santa Barbara friends and see Katie and her new husband Jason, congrats you two! It was really fun to actually attend a wedding. Lately we have only been working at them and so it was nice to be a guest for once.

And of course, seeing my new name on a party favor is still very exciting!

The wedding was actually in Solvang so of course we got there very early and had some goodies, wouldn’t you?

Very pretty trees and vinyard, a nice location, but very very dirty!!


Ahh, my favorite time of summer, the Del Mar Fair…err…San Diego Fair, whatever! Anyway, this is one thing I have rarely missed. We have always gone as a family every year and now the gentleman and I are making new traditions. The Fair can get pretty boring, I mean same animals, same food, same displays. So, this year we tried something new. We did a “one day” contest. It’s a photo shoot. We got there at 3pm, they told us the contest and out we went for 2 hours trying to capture our assignment. Since the fair theme was “Summer of Sports”, we had to incorporate a whiffle ball into our picture. He won 3rd place! It was just fun getting to see the fair in a different way. OH, and don’t forget the free wine tasting we do every year, woot woot!

We also submitted two of our SidebySide videos and won 2nd and 3rd place! YAY. Now we are “Award Winning” SidebySide Video 🙂

And about baseball. I’ve never been much of a fan of watching sports on TV. I usually watch the Super Bowl only for the commercials (of course) but baseball is something that is to be seen in person. There’s something so fun about being at a game with 30,000 other people cheering and being all excited. Plus, Petco Park is just an awesome ball park! So we saw a winning game last night, (bet many of you haven’t seen one of those this season) and it was great. I ran into my grandma there and we took this awesomely awkward picture! It looks like Kelly and the gentleman are on a date and Ryan and I are two “3rd wheels”…awesome! Plus, we were talking about the olympics and saying that we don’t have any great rivals like we used to with Russia and I loudly said, “well, what about North Korea” as a joke and right after I said that, this Asian family sitting right in front of us all turned to look at us. Whoops! They probably didn’t hear what we were talking about at all, just the “KOREA” part…haha. Oh well. Then I had them take this picture of us…so hopefully they realized we weren’t saying something racist or something! hah.Anyway, there’s my blurb.

Stay tuned. I have a few exciting things coming!

reminisce things to do

Decision Making and God’s Will

Recently I have been thinking a lot about God’s will. I hear this notion come up a lot in Christian circles–churches, friends, Bible studies, etc. People talk about wanting to know what the will of God is for their life–which job to take, where to go to school, who to marry, and other big decisions. I have heard some of these same people discuss the fact that they felt led to attend a particular school, talk to a stranger, ask someone out on a date, go on a missions trip, or even become a church’s senior pastor. How does this work? Often people claim this information is conveyed through a few methods–they felt a peace about a decision, there was an open door, they felt a nudging in their spirit, or it was like God was whispering in their heart. And yet, I have not heard God’s voice talking directly to me. Maybe I have missed some open doors. What does this mean?

What are we talking about when we discuss “God’s will”? The first form of His will is what we refer to as God’s moral will. This is clearly outlined in the ten commandments and Jesus’ teaching on the mount–don’t lie, don’t lust, don’t hate. These are God’s moral will for our lives–to be holy and live such lives. Sean McDowell breaks it down: “God’s will is that you be saved, be filled with the Holy Spirit, be pure, and submit to the proper authorities” ( And we are also to be spreading the Gospel message to everyone. These are God’s moral will/commandments for our lives.

The second type of will would be God’s will for our everyday life. Greg Koukl refers to this as God’s sovereign will. According to Koukl, God’s sovereign will is secret and will be accomplished (Decision Making and the Will of God – The question is–how do we know what his everyday will is for our lives? The Bible doesn’t say who I should marry. Will God speak to me? Will a door open? Will I feel a peace? What if I don’t hear anything? What if two doors are open? Even Paul ignored “open doors” (2 Corinthians 2:12-13). According to Sean McDowell: “As far as I know, there is not a single instance in the Bible where it is taught that God speaks to us through our feelings.” He goes on to say: “Romans 8:12-14 says, “So then, brethren, we are under obligation, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh—for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.” Being lead by the Spirit refers not to individual guidance, but strength to live a righteous life—to stand up for what is right. The Spirit leads us by convicting us of sin and empowering us to make right choices” (

If we are following God’s moral will we have freedom to make our own decisions. Sean McDowell says if we are following the four principals he mentioned earlier (saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, pure, and submitting to authority) then “you are free to make choices based on your desires. And if you are living a godly life, God will give you the right desires” (

A big problem with this notion of individual guidance is if we aren’t spiritually in tune with God’s voice, then what if we miss God’s chosen spouse, job, or school? Then are we taking what’s second best? And if we marry the “wrong” person, then does that mean we have ruined it for their “true” spouse… which then messed it up for the person they end up marrying and so on. We pretty much single handedly mess up the whole system. According to Greg Koukl there are five areas that are not Biblically accurate to get guidance from: a feeling (”I feel led”), inner peace, open and closed doors,fleeces or providential signs, and confirmations (Decision Making and the Will of God – These are often presented or talked about as valid ways we should be instructed, and yet, Koukl can find no Biblical basis for this modern day church concept. Koukl states “Here is my view. Does the Bible teach that we must learn to discern the voice of the Lord individually for ourselves to live optimal Christian lives? Does the Bible teach we must learn to discern the voice of the Lord individually for ourselves in order to live optimally as Christians? The answer is no it does not teach that . . . This teaching that God will whisper in your ear all kind of particulars that pertain to you and His will for your life is very appealing to Christians. Even though when you look at the Scriptures, the specialized directions are rare. They are unusual. They are usually unsought. And they are always crystal clear. None of this “I think the Lord is telling me” business” (

God wants us obeying his moral will–we should be making holy and wise decisions. Solomon was blessed for his desire to have wisdom to lead the Jews. He asked for wisdom and not a laundry list of exactly what to do. A key idea is that it’s not about who we marry, but the kind of spouse we are to be. Not the job we have, but the kind of employee we are to be. McDowell points out “The Bible teaches that we are to seek wisdom. In fact, we are commanded to seek wisdom with all we have: “How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver” (Proverbs 16:16)” ( How do we exercise this wisdom in our decisions according to McDowell? We do this by praying, reading God’s word, and by seeking the Godly counsel of Christian brethren. And that is the freedom we have in Christ–to seek to live in His moral will and to make wise decisions.

-the gentleman

reminisce things to do

but injustice sweeps it away…

I may have an opportunity to get involved in human trafficking issues at my church. It’s something that has always made me think and is an issue that really disturbs me especially after living in Cambodia. There, many girls are so desperate and so uneducated they feel they have nowhere to go except into brothels. Of course most of them are sold into it unwittingly and forced into modern day sex slavery. 

What surprises me, though, is that it happens here in the States as well! I was sent a video clip from the news about sex slavery in Vista! Here is the link:

Modern Day Slavery


“A poor man’s field may produce abundant food, but injustice sweeps it away.”

-Proverbs 13:23 

celebrate reminisce things to do

love is a many splendid thing

One year ago, I would have never guessed the way things would be…la jolla – taken on our 2nd date



and now, a year later celebrating our very first Valentine’s Day together. I’ve done the most random, unromantic things on that day throughout my life and have always considered it ‘just another day’ but for once, I got to be totally sucked into it, be a giddy girl, get flowers and be loved by an awesome guy…and then celebrate one year together. What a year! First date to marriage, how crazy and awesome is that? God is woodson – taken on our 1 year anniversary