places to go reminisce stateside things to do

Photo a day – 3

Name spelling: not many peoples’ fortes apparently. I’ve never thought I had that difficult or uncommon a name but honestly about 60% of the time, my name is misspelled: “danyell, dannel, danelle” etc… but probably the most common mistake is spelling it “daniel”. Now, if it were a Hispanic employee, I would have no problem with it because that’s how you pronounce “Danielle” in Spanish, but it’s usually the white people who do it. Here’s how it usually goes down, I order, they ask my name, I say “Danielle”, they write “Daniel”. I wait for my order and the person delivering it yells, “Daniel?” and I go and get it and they say, “oh, Danielle, sorry”. Pretty much happens all the time. Seriously?

Anyway, this photo is from our last day in Hawaii on our honeymoon. This is by far the worst way I’ve ever seen my name butchered. I mean, come on, is anyone even named Nantell? This isn’t logical people!!

I’m guessing I’m not the only one with this problem…how has your name been misspelled before?

6 replies on “Photo a day – 3”

HA! this happens to me all the time, particularly because my name isn't spelled "normal" to begin with. i get the common ones… rebecca & rebeca, which are no big deal… but then there are some pretty stupid ones – rebbca, rebbacca, and my personal favorite, RECEBEA! that one was so ridiculous that my sister has still calls me that as a nickname.

Haha…I do love this picture. Last week at a starbucks in beverly hills (presumably classier, right? wrong.), I gave my name and he wrote down “Bridgette” – REALLY?!? I think sbux people do this on purpose as an inside joke to keep themselves amused during the day! Sort of a “let’s-see-if-they-can-figure-out-whose-drink-is-whose-if-we-start-yelling-out-the-wrong-names” kind of a thing. I would totally do that if I worked there. Fo sho.

For having an unusual name I actually fare pretty well with the Starbucks folk. They usually get the gist of it, so mostly I’ll be content with “Tymmery”, “Timory”, and “Timmarie”. I think I’ve discovered the best trick though: I keep going to same Starbucks and now they all know my name! Problem solved 🙂

I usually end up with “Evan” – My question is though, why do they even ask for your name when they end up calling out, “grande, non-fat, sugar-free vanilla, extra hot latte!” Why don’t they just say, “hey Evan, here ya go!”And don’t even get me started on Blockbuster. They name off every movie that you are renting…ok…I know what I just picked out two minutes ago. Annoying!!!

that is the funniest spelling of Danielle ever. 🙂 But seriously, if I had a dollar for everytime someone put that hideous “h” in my name…

as a former employee of “the bucks” let me say that it’s hard to hear people when they say their name! With the milk steaming and blenders going sometimes it’s just ridiculous the number of times I would have to ask someone to repeat themselves!But I must say – Nantell – that is absolutely hilarious!