
Off you go!

I thought this video was hilarious!! A little comic relief as we look forward to the election:
celebrate play things to do

meet mr. meowkins

So we got a little too excited about Halloween and carved pumpkins a little too early with Leslie and Jon. The gentleman and I worked on this one together, so meet Mr. Meowkins!
Unfortunately Mr. Meowkins met his untimely death just 4 days after we made him. Yeah, it happened fast!!!

The good news though, is that jared didn’t cut open his finger like last year! We were at the E.R. until 3:30 am and of course, I could have just super glued it back together.Oh well!

play things to do

photo booth fiends!

So last week (the 11th i think) we finally got to shoot a wedding with a photo booth!! Yippee! We had a photo booth at our wedding and it was a hit. So at this wedding (since we were working and all) we told the guy we’d “do the test run” before all the guests started using it. 

So we edited the best 4 together and here they are!

Like how professional we look in our all black attire?? 🙂
play things to do

Don’t Vote Video

WOW! I had no idea that celebrities were so smart and we were so stupid! Gosh, and you’re right, I didn’t know that I had to register to vote, wow!This is the most insulting video about voting I’ve ever seen:


But seriously, you know you gotta vote, right?

nest play things to do

photo a day – 9

I think I’ll start naming my “photo a day”s from now on…I think they need titles 🙂

Port comes from Porto (in Portugal). Don’t know why I never put that one together but anyway, it’s good! It’s a wonderfully sweet dessert wine. I like to drink it out of these little crystal glasses my Oma (grandma) gave me…makes me feel like we’re classy, at least a little bit.
nest play things to do

Photo a day – 7 and 8

Dr. Mario…definitely our favorite video game right now. I don’t play video games but jared downloaded this for our Wii a couple months ago and I hadn’t played it in years! It turned out that I remembered how to play it and I was pretty good. It’s the only game I can beat him at!! Well, at least I thought I was good until I played Lindsayand she is impressively, no, freakishly good at it..yikes girl! Anyway, Laura and I are probably a better match. 

Do you like our mii characters? They look just like us!

So I’m adding one photo as an addendum to the photo a day 3 just to prove how often this happens. This happened today and I can say I’ve never seen my name spelled with a “u” before! The lady calling out my name (not the same person who wrote it) couldn’t figure out what it said, I just started laughing!