play things to do


play things to do

Photo Friday #2

Because I usually have my camera whenever I go somewhere for more than a few hours (besides work of course) I have the opportunity to take pictures of random things in life. These pictures tend to get lost in the rest because they are all by themselves but I recently came across this gem and felt like I needed to share it with you. We were headed up to Julian for a nice day (the day before the fires started there actually) and saw this sign driving by. We immediately stopped, turned around and took a picture. 

QUESTION: How in the world does someone lose their wheelchair?

celebrate play reminisce things to do

Holiday Highlights

We stayed around this year for Christmas and New Year’s Day and December was full of fun!! Here are some highlights of the season for us: 

My Opa (grandpa) turned 80 December 14th but he’s going to get his very own post after this one with more pictures and a video/slide show = yippee!!


I turned 27 on December 16th. I’m not old, but I’m getting close to being able to say things like “when I was your age…” or “things just aren’t made the way they used to be…” 🙂 Well, this is the second birthday I’ve been able to enjoy with my husband and he really gave me a great birthday! Here are some pretty flowers in an awesome vase!!!


We stayed home with dinner and a movie (He made me a wonderful dinner). Then we decided to finally put together the gingerbread house. It’s the first one I can remember making. I guess my mom can correct me if I made one when I was a kid. But at least I know I haven’t made one in a LONG time! AND IT SHOWS! They are harder to make than they look. I guess the nice thing when making these is when you get “glue” on your hands, you get to lick it off 🙂
Christmas was nice and a lot more normal than usual. For the first time in a few years, all 5 of my immediate family were here! No one was traveling or anything! See, last year we had to use a photo of my brother for the family photo, but not this year 🙂

Christmas ’07

Christmas ’08
Christmas ’08 – all 7 of us 🙂


We also all got matching pajamas from the Z family modeled so beautifully here:



The gentleman and I worked on some photography projects which I will start blogging about very soon.



New Year’s Eve is always fun but we didn’t bring a camera, so no pictures 🙂


And as far as “photo a day” well…I’ve changed that to Photo Fridays. That’s right, I can’t handle the commitment of one a day so I’ve decided once a week will be better. A photo and a question or story. I think it will be fun. So I’m starting…NOW!


This is a photo of a clock I made. For Christmas I made people in my families clocks out of plates! I think they turned out pretty fun. So, what’s your favorite thing you’ve ever made anyone?


Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year’s Day!
2009, what will be in store?
nest play things to do

2008 Video Christmas Card

So we have our very own tradition of video Christmas cards. If you did not know us last year or didn’t see it, you can click here to watch last year’s!


Here’s this year’s!


celebrate nest play things to do

Christmas Preparations

So finally {2 days before Christmas} I feel prepared for Christmas. This season has been quite busy but over the course of a few weeks we finally got our tree/decorations up, baked a bunch of goodies, and got all the shopping/wrapping done! yippee! 

So here’s our lovely tree from Home Depot. We have quite an eclectic mix of ornaments, each with their own story 🙂


And we weren’t too thrilled with the tree toppers last year so we went with this guy, our penguin in a reindeer hoodie! We like him 🙂


And I can’t go long before having a blog post about food can I?? Well, these goodies are long gone already. I made them for a couple parties and work friends. Peanut blossoms, peanut butter bars, peanut brittle, sugar cookies, rum balls and snickerdoodles = YUM. I’ll gladly share any recipes if you’re interested, just leave me a comment. (I also made stroepwafels with my mom today but they will get their very own post)

And here is my Tante (aunt) Dicky! She lives in Holland and was out for my Opa’s (grandpa’s) birthday (which I will also post about later) She’s a pretty cool lady…I like her. We are going to plan a trip to visit her ASAP!!!!

celebrate play things to do

Happy Halloween Part II

So here are some photos from our annual Halloween party on Saturday!! A lot of people went all out this year and that makes us happy 🙂
First, here’s my girls Bible study crew, well most of them…
Then the gentleman’s brother and sister-in-law as Goulet from SNL and Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
The F fam as a sheep and Bo Peep. We found pieces of hi’s costume all over after the party.
The Q fam as a cowgirl and either terrorist or anti-terrorist, I don’t think we ever found out the answer to what he was. But I do like how you can pretty much only see his eyes and mouth!
The V fam as Moulder and Scully from the X-Files of course!
Another F fam as the wolf and Little Red Riding Hood.
The B fam as Suzanne Sommers and Richard Simmons, complete with thighmasters!
And us as Joy and Earl Hickey from My Name is Earl. And now you can see the finished product with hi’s facial hair. YIKES!
The V fam as Mario and the Princess!
And The P fam as Juno and Pauley Bleaker from Juno.
Awesome costumes this year! There were more but I guess we didn’t get photos of them, sorry guys!!
Happy Halloween!!