celebrate play things to do

Photo Friday #24, 25 & 26 – i’m a bit behind

So almost a month later, here are 3 weeks worth of photo Friday so I’m doubling the pics hah. We’ve been working on house stuff and wedding videos so I think we have a good excuse…plus there are only about 3 people who actually read this blog so I’m not too worried 🙂
First off, the Del Mar Fair – our yearly free wine tasting fun!

The gentleman making fun of the ginormous crap you can win

Next up, Bottle Peak…the highest point in Escondido where you can see all of Escondido. Here we are with the newly engaged Tony and Fei!!

A word of advice…don’t go when it’s boiling hot like we did and don’t go when there is poison oak EVERYWHERE! I don’t know how but none of us got it!

Last, our country’s Independence Day. We took it easy and chilled with the Paulsons and some awesome carne asada and a not so awesome dessert (a new recipe I tried that looked delicious but didn’t taste quite right, I’m still not sure what happened! So no photo/recipe of that!)

Then we headed over to Grape Day Park (I’ve always gone to the SM show) and Ryan picked us a wonderful spot! The entire show was behind those trees. HAHA lovely!

3 replies on “Photo Friday #24, 25 & 26 – i’m a bit behind”

I'm glad to see you're caught up on your photo fridays! I guess I must be one of the three that checks the blog religiously 😉

I showed Matt the fireworks picture and I don't think I've seen him laugh so hard in a while…as far as making memories goes, I think that's a chart-topper. You get to see fireworks every year on July 4th, but how often do you get to watch a tree with fireworks behind it? And how high up will this rank on your memorable July 4th fireworks experiences? I'd guess this is one of the few fireworks experiences you'll be telling your kids about some day…I think your friend Ryan totally knows what's up.

Yay, I am number 3!
Regarding watching the tree, that is cool since you really like trees anyway. btw, you should blog about the new tree in your house.
Regarding the photo of the four of you, how come the girls look pretty and the men look slightly crazed? Was it the bad dessert? My condolences on your failure. That's never happened to me….hahaha