So recently (right around the time I came across the videos a couple posts ago) I also came across 2 blogs that I can’t get enough of! Please explore a few pages of these blogs…there is some good stuff in there and will definitely brighten your day 🙂
#1 – Fail Blog
Here is an example of what you would find on the site. I like it because of how simple it is. FAIL, that’s awesome! Plus, many of the pictures remind me of signs I saw in Asia, misspelled or not making sense.
#2 – Cake Wrecks
This blog is all about cakes that have gone wrong…but not just any cakes, professional ones! There are so many I could post about, but since I’m in the wedding business, I’ll have to post a picture of THE BEST WEDDING CAKE EVER! Here you go, and you’re welcome.
6 replies on “New blog favs.”
That is the most bizzarre cake ever! What do they say at the reception? “Let’s all have a piece of Shamikqua now!”
hahaha! did you find the cake wrecks blog on our food blog??? i love it! and fail blog is a must-read for me. so awesome.
yes i did!! so thanks for sharing 🙂 and thanks for the infomercial treats, i had never seen those, they were awesome! “tiddybear”…really?
I loved the pretty pale yellow and green cake with a huge monster truck driving up the side. Oh, and the one with the baby doll in the middle. Priceless.
The cake site was inspirational. I have now decided I want a life-size cake of me for my birthday this year…with me giving myself 2 thumbs up. I’ll make sure to send you an invitation. 🙂
Do you think it would be wrong if I had the wedding cake as my birthday cake?