Well, we’re leaving for Portugal tomorrow! I think we’re both finally starting to feel excited. We’ve been so busy this summer and haven’t had a break at all. Even the last couple days have been crazy editing weddings and getting everything together for the team. I will try to keep this blog updated while we’re away, but I have no idea if we’ll have the internet at all while we’re gone. Since we’ll be tent camping right by the orphans’ summer getaway (i.e. building with beds out in the boonies) I highly doubt we’ll see much technology. We, of course, will be bringing our cameras and a video camera so when we return, there will be plenty of pictures and a video or two. Where would we be without our technology?? So anyway, here’s a new picture of our team. We lost one member and gained another so this is the most recent shot.
For those of you who don’t know what we’re doing…we are leading a trip of 10 of us “young adults” to run a summer camp for a group of 55 orphans. It should be fun.exciting.overwhelming.tiring.awesome.exhausting. you name it! I’m especially excited because most of our team has never done a missions trip besides Mexico. I just pray that this experience will be a positive one for them and for the missionaries we’ll be serving. If you are more interested in what Paula and Spencer are doing in Portugal, check out their blog at: www.fourwildgeese.blogspot.com

Please pray for us while we’re gone if you could! We’ll keep you posted as we can and we’ll see you all soon!