families kids people to see

The Paulson Family

Still finishing up blogging our photo shoots from last year, I do know that it’s June…but I wanted to blog this one especially. Our good friends for the last 4 1/2 years have just moved back to Colorado. We’ve enjoyed the time we’ve gotten to know them and their babies. They have been wonderful friends to us and we will miss them dearly…CO you are lucky, take good care of them!

i just had to throw this in…this is what happens for the majority of photo shoots with kids…a little blooper for ya.

love these little guys, can’t wait to visit you in CO!!

kids people to see

JR and Ricky – Brother Portraits – North San Diego

We had a lot of fun having an all boy shoot at the train tracks! I love these guys 🙂


for some reason this pic reminds me of the beastie boys, haha. old school yeah!


to see the rest of our favorites click below!