reminisce things to do

favorite things – part 4

november 10. yes it’s a favorite day of mine because it’s the day i said ‘yes’ and married my best friend. my love. today marks three years of marriage and it blows me away to think how fast it’s gone! we’ve learned a lot together and grown a lot together and it’s so special to experience this God-given bond together. i know it seems obvious that my anniversary would be a favorite day but i feel like it’s important to celebrate marriage especially when many don’t work out. we are so proud of our parents to have toughed it out through thick and thin and have been really great examples for us, and we’re thankful for our friends’ marriages and all their good advice. you know that saying, ‘it takes a village to raise a child’…well i think that saying can go for marriage as well…sometimes it takes the encouragement of friends and family to work through the hard times, but also to celebrate together when things are great.

i’m so glad that i waited for my husband and that he waited for me. it took us a little longer to find one another but i’m glad we did.when we did. it was perfect timing.seriously. we actually grew up a mile away from each other and never met until i was 25 and he was 30 but people ask me if i wished that we had me a long time ago and i always say ‘no’. there is no way i would have been ready or in the right place or mindset if i had met him any sooner than i did. and he would say the same. i’m grateful for my husband and am happy to celebrate this day every year with him!

what’s your favorite day?

photo by susie linquist