celebrate things to do

Happy Halloween!!

For the most part, Halloween had been pretty anti-climactic. The group of people I work with (support staff) chose to be the “Reading Ropers” this year as our “hero” for Halloween. (Schools don’t celebrate actual holidays so ‘dress up as your favorite hero’ is what we do) Anyway, it kind of sucks when other people decide how you will dress since I didn’t have anything western. So off to dad’s house I go! I borrowed a cowboy hat and a bolero tie but didn’t have any boots. So I wore my rainbows and figured I’m more of what you would call a Californian cowgirl. Plus I’d take flip flops over boots any day.


Aaaaanyway, the day definitely got better when I got home from work. We started on the gentleman”s costume for tomorrow’s party. He’s been growing out his beard and tomorrow I’ll post pictures of the final product and our costumes.

But here was the process of the de-beardification or whatever…

first, the before picture:

Then the first stages of buzzing:

Then the full goatee:

Then the partial goatee? I don’t know what you’d call this:

And then the handlebar mustache:

He finished it after this but you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see the rest!!

I bet we make our parents proud.

One reply on “Happy Halloween!!”

yup…that der is wun hansome feller dat ya snagged der Dani. I is so proud of ya. Pa wants ta know if yer fella wants ta go huntin for some possum today.